Are Tarot Cards Demonic?

Sage Sips is Tarot for your day in the time it takes to sip your coffee

From the Modern Oracle / TaoCraft Tarot archives, lightly edited to update links, fix a few typos, etc.

Q: Are Tarot cards demonic?

A: No.

Hell and demons are religious ideas, so religious people might give you a different answer. As I see it, religion and spirituality are totally different things (please see yesterday’s post about religion and Tarot) I believe that Tarot is a combination of science and spirituality with religion having no part in the process. No religion, no demons.

The scientific part has to do with resonance and vibration. Think of guitar strings. Pluck one string and it vibrates at a certain frequency and makes a certain note. Twang a different size string and you get a different note. If two separate strings are tuned to the same note, then you can play one string and the other vibrates too, making a similar sound along with the first one (resonance). Tarot cards are the guitar pick, not the note. The guitar string you choose and play sets the tone for Tarot experience you have and any resonant energies that come along with it. If you focus on the demon frequency, you have a bigger chance of resonating with a “demonic” experience. If you vibrate at the “guidance” note then that’s what you’ll get.  The old adage of “you get out of it what you put into it” has a sort of literal truth here. Expect hellfire, and you might get it. Expect happy, and you might get that too.

To put it into spiritual terms, all you have to do for a demon-free reading is fill yourself with love and light, or ask for protection from some higher energy / protective power. An example might be the “patronus” in the Harry Potter books. Essentially, the shape of your inner light protects you. What shape would you want your inner light to take?

Here is a powerful image from Joy Star’s newsletter (used with permission.) Think of a house on a dark night. Imagine the house filled with cheery lights and a cozy fire in the fireplace. If you open the front  door what happens? Does the outer dark come rushing in and extinguish the light, or does the light pour out of the open door and illuminate the dark? This isn’t saying that the dark doesn’t exist. It doesn’t mean that houses can’t lose power or that disasters don’t happen to people who “think positive” all the time. This is the real world. Dark and dangerous beings and things exist, in both the tangible and intangible realms. Of course bad stuff happens. But good stuff can happen too. Metaphorically speaking, if you turn on the lights before opening the door then you can look out into the night darkness coming in. Fear and superstition turns your lights out. When you are afraid or angry, then dark meets dark at the door.

The spirit world isn’t all sunshine and roses. Natural forces and negative energies from ill-intentioned people do exist. You can protect yourself on spiritual level the same as you protect yourself on a physical level. We put on a raincoat during a storm and stay out of dangerous places alone at night and do all sorts of things to try and stay as physically safe as we can be. Spiritually, energetically, one of the most important protections is simple intention. Intent  is a very potent thing. Before you do any spiritual or energy work, very clearly set the clear intention that what you do is only for the highest and best for all concerned. Read, arm yourself with knowledge. Get advice, learn from other people’s experience in order to explore in safety. One of my favorite resources is Psychic Protection by Ted Andrews.

You have probably heard of the ‘spiritual law’ that “Like attracts like.” If you are hopeful, you may attract something inspirational. If you are afraid, you may attract something frightening.

By the same token, if you are genuinely afraid of the cards, then don’t deny or minimize that. It is what it is. If your religious beliefs are in conflict with Tarot readings, then simply find your guidance another way. From my side of things, In my experience, people who are conflicted about Tarot have a hard time hearing the guidance that is offered. Tarot is a great tool for learning, but it isn’t for everyone. If you are seriously worried that Tarot cards are demonic, “occult”  or that you’ll burn in hell for having a reading…then you need to find the right kind of guidance for you. Why put that kind of stress on yourself? For Tarot to be helpful, you have to let go of something. Either let go of the religious notions of demons and evil in Tarot, or let go of Tarot as a way for guidance. Either is fine. There is no right or wrong way to find your guidance. These two, religion-induced fear and Tarot readings just don’t mix, like oil and water.

Tarot cards aren’t demonic. It’s WAY worse than that. Tarot cards are reflective. Tarot cards aren’t evil, they are a mirror showing you life’s harsh realities. Choose fear, see fear. Choose love, see love. Choose courage and compassion and see something beautiful.

My reading style is calm, reasonable, no-drama and never occult or scary. I’ve done more first-time readings than I can count. If you would like a safe, no judgement, religion-free way to try a Tarot reading, a five-card email reading is a good choice. Very private, very convenient, very affordable. Order HERE

Choose Your Card: Eclipse Day Tarot Reading

Sage Sips Blog is Tarot for your day in the time it takes to sip your coffee


Your choices are everything. They are the cause that brings your future into effect. Tarot helps to guide those choices so you can make good ones.

Tarot doesn’t tell you what will happen in life. Tarot helps you figure out what to do when life happens.

Death: OF COURSE this is your eclipse day card. Eclipses symbolize change and transformation. That is exactly what the death card is about. Only an empty cup can be filled. Let the old and toxic go and welcome the new and better in.

Five of swords: The price of victory is too high. Is this really a hill worth dying on? Redefine your goals. Work toward a victory that makes sense. You don’t have to prove your point based on blind principle.

High Priestess: Magic and spirituality come only from within. Yes, it really is nothing more than the moon’s shadow. The magic and mystery is up to you to feel and find. music via youtube shorts Allyman’s Tarot Deck used with permission @publishinggoblin1072

You Choose Tarot: Card of the Week 3-18-24

The Hermit: Balanced light leads the way. Use discernment. Choose your influences and mentors wisely.

Seven of Swords: Short cuts can have long consequences. Make sure your short term gain doesn’t lead to long term pain.

High Priestess: The Cosmos is under no obligation to bend to your level. But if you reach up, it can lift you like a mother picks up her child.

(Cards are interpreted left to right, opposite of a pathway layout)

Hi Everyone!

Been a little off schedule taking care of some unexpected busy times at the day job and with the family schedule, but all in a good way. As always thank you all for your patience and understanding. 

The squirrels have been raving hard the past couple of years, so the schedule around here is officially no schedule at all for 2024. I’m going to roll with the rave and see how that goes.

I aim to post M-W-F but no particular time of day. The idea is You Choose card of the week will post on Monday-ish, Learn With Me or some sort of BTS on Wednesday (give or take) and something pithy and potent on Fridays to guide us into the weekend. Not beating myself up if I miss the mark and I’m not promising to post any particular time of day, just grooving with the squirrel rave playlist as it comes up so to speak. 

Which allows me to put my Tarot attention where I really want to put it and where it rightfully belongs – on member’s readings and private readings.

Don’t forget, members get up to three one card readings by email included in your membership each calendar month. Until the end of March, you can upgrade your membership readings to a three card yes/no at no additional charge. 

I call them “Zombie Cat” readings because they flirt with predictions more than other layouts. Meet Zombie Cat (originally from my Tarotbytes blog in 2015 and inspired by Menage A Tarot podcast created by David S. Dear) is still one of my favorite rants about psychics who claim “100% accurate predictions” and predictions in general. I like using the Zombie Cat persona to tap into the lighthearted and playful side of Tarot. Yes/no readings are a good vehicle for a pure entertainment reading. I chose the yes/no method that I use because while you can stop at the silly, snarky, ‘magic 8 ball’ surface of the thing, it can still serve as a portal to more nuanced and serious insights too. Members: feel free to try one with some silly frivolous question just for fun if you want. 

It reminds me of Spongebob’s magic conch shell. (Copyright Nickelodeon and all that jazz, please don’t sue me Viacom Paramount We *heart* Spongebob at my house, especially when my son was small)

Wishing you all a great week. See you at the next sip!

You Choose Card of the Week 3-11-24

Private readings by email or recorded video HERE (no appointment needed)

Three of swords : Trust must be earned, even when you want to give it easily

Eight of wands: Patience and time can work in your favor. Obstacles and challenges may be slowing you down enough to protect you from something you don’t see coming.

Five of pentacles: It’s not a good time for impulse buys. Wait, be sure first.

And there, the energy steps back. I guess we chalk this week up to a pithy and potent kind of card reading.

Next up is finally starting that behind the scenes series either Wednesday or Friday, depending on how much the squirrels rave this week. Either way, have a good week. See you at the next sip!

Deck: Alleyman’s Tarot by Seven Dane Asmund used with permission (

Squirrel image: unknown / public domain

The Deeper The Authenticity, The Better The Tarot

We are having a blissfully rainy day here in the ‘burgh. The energy this week has been kinda chaotic and funky. Weird even. The energy right now is the reset we need to shake off the funky mojo and get back to the normal squirrel rave of life.

If you are working this weekend – thank you. Stay chill, hang in there until your next time off. If you have this weekend off, stay chill, do what needs done and relax when you can.

I do weird things on the weekend like think about reverse engineering. Reverse engineering Tarot to be exact.

It is an interesting exercise at any skill level of Tarot reading to take an idea, anything, and try to find a Tarot card that best exemplifies that concept. Instead of going from a random card to its keywords, go from a random idea to its key card.

It doesn’t always work. Sometimes it takes a few cards to capture the essence of the idea, but I would guess that is why card layouts were invented. We’ll get back to talking about layouts another day. For today, I’ve been thinking about which one of the 78 cards best communicates the idea of authenticity.

Authenticity is a big, stage of life, personal growth, life-lesson kind of concept so my first instinct is to look toward the major arcana. Of those, my attention is drawn to the World card.

In my opinion, this card are best summed up by not just “the World” but by “Cosmos” and “Gestalt.” Together, it gives the feeling of the biggest of big pictures and everything in it.

Everything in the world includes the masks we wear AND the beauty behind them. Everything, the Gestalt, the cosmos includes truth, lies and everything in between. That includes the authentic self of each and every human being. Whoever you are, whoever you want to be, however you want to be perceived – every facet of your true self – is included, accepted and connected with the grand everything that The World card symbolizes.

Authenticity is a part of that everything.

Every part of you is a part of that everything.

That everything-ness of the World card in particular and of Tarot in general gets behind our social masks. It flows both ways. When you allow a reading to touch the real you and not all the “could” “should” and “will” you get a higher, more potent level of guidance and help.

Should you choose to work with a professional reader instead of taking the DIY approach, the reader’s level of authenticity also enhances the quality of your reading experience.

No two readers are alike. Some are con artists. Some are artist-artists. Some are voices from a higher realm. Some are practical, grounded, roots as deep as a tree. Some are therapists in artists clothing. Most of us are out here doing our thing just trying to make it through life ourselves and hopefully help some folks along the way.

You’ll know the difference when you see it. You’ll know when someone genuinely believes in what they are doing, or at least what they think they can do. The trick is finding someone whose authentic self vibes with your authentic self. Unfortunately there is no way for us readers to know when that is the case. It’s up to you to listen to your inside authentic self.

Thank you so much for reading today. Next up: You Choose interactive reading. See you at the next sip!

You Choose: Card of the week, March 5, 2024

Private readings by email or recorded video: order HERE, no appointment needed

Pick a card from the picture above. Watch the video to see the reveal. Get your reading below.

Magician: This is a card of manifestation and transformation. It is also a card of co-creating, in other words working with the universe to bring your intentions into reality. Often this kind of magickal working is heavy on the WORK. The magician must do their part.

King of Pentacles: Survey your kingdom. Focus on what you have. Don’t spend your energy wanting what you don’t have this week. Once you see what you have on hand, it becomes clearer what you truly want, what you need and how to get what is really missing. Wanting what you have is contentment.

Death: Change is inevitable. Seven Dane Asmund, creator of this Tarot Deck (Alleyman’s Tarot, used with permission) He calls this the “dancing death” of the several versions of the Death card in this deck. Dance with this moment. Embrace it. Fully be a part of it because, for better or for worse, this moment will change momentarily.


New stuff! Same Stuff! Website update stuff!

Just finished a little light housekeeping on the website…

New! Handwritten “InkMagick” readings and video readings are back!

The same! Order Tarot readings 24/7 no appointment needed 

Limited availability! Live online and in-person readings are only available on Monday afternoons by advance appointment.

2024 Schedule: There is none

Blog: Monday (your choice card of the week) Wednesday (Learn With Me) and Friday (quotes, reviews, random stuff) – maybe.

Social Media: I’m on Threads most days if you want to say hello. You can find Sage Words Tarot content on Facebook, Tumblr, TikTok and Instagram, too.

Please enjoy the FREE collective energy Tarot readings here on the blog and social media.

Subscribe to the free blog in the right hand column on PC or scroll down on mobile.

If you want a weekly digest instead of every post as it publishes, please subscribe to the Sage Sips newsletter on Substack.

Your Choice, Your COTW (8 Jan 24)

Seriously, tell me what you think

Welcome to 2024 and the first Card Of The Week of the new year.

Since the New Year reading, I’ve gotten some nice feedback about the ‘you choose’ format we used.

With all of the fast pace question-in-the-comments live readings that are available now, it seems the slower, more contemplative, interactive readings aren’t as common as they were a couple of years ago. These kind of pick your card / slow reveal readings used to be all over the place.

I’m bringing them back.

It feels a little more intensely personal than quick comment/live readings or purely collective energy readings. Let me know what you think. If you like it, we can keep it. If no one says anything, I’ll decide in a few weeks which format to use most of the time. It’ll either be a you-choose card for the week like this or back to random collective energy card for the day posts.

Watch the video, pick your card. In the future, I expect that you’ll be able to scroll back down here and read a longer, more eloquent, dammit I’m a writer not a YouTuber interpretation for the card. Today, it was all I could do to get back into filming at all. Even in low-tech, lofi, laid back mode. I don’t have anything to add to the video this time.

But seriously – comment or email or use the Ask Me Anything page to let me know what you think of the you-choose format.

You choose and I won’t have to.

Next up on the squirrel-rave playlist* Learn With Me: Lenormand returns, hopefully on Wednesday

Thanks so much! See you at the next sip!

*Squirrel Rave Playlist is my nickname for the no-schedule schedule and not-plan plan for 2024.

*Inspired by the internet meme “I don’t have ducks, I don’t have rows – I have squirrels and they are hosting a pagan rave.”

*The general not-plan for the blog is a COTW in some format or another on Mondays and Learn With Me posts on Wednesdays, weekly digest newsletter on Substack on the weekend, and everything else being just pure random intuitive inspriation.

2024 as you make up your mind for it to be

Weekend Substack: The Sun Tarot card, Lincoln, and Lau Tzu

He probably didn’t actually say it, but Abraham Lincoln is often quoted as saying “people are as happy as they make up their minds to be.”

I find it true, but more nuanced than it seems.

It isn’t about conjuring up pleasant feelings from nothing in a rose-glasses toxic positive kind of way.

Oh no, my friend. It is much worse than that.

Making up your mind to be happy is more likely about accepting your circumstances for what they are and allowing the natural contentment and happiness come out. Happiness is allowed, not created.

Time and again life points back to one painting for me. Not one painting but one allegorical theme in traditional Chinese paintings: The Vinegar Tasters.

The painting shows Buddha, Confucius and Lau Tzu (author of the Tao Te Ching, the originator of Taoist philosophy) Buddha and Confucius are making faces while Lao Tzu smiles. It’s been said that they think they vinegar tastes sour, bitter and sweet respectively.

That’s not quite it.

Lau Tzu isn’t just magically or delusionally conjuring up a sweet flavor without the help of any magic berries any more than we conjure up blissed-out happiness out of thin air. Lau Tzu is tasting the exact same thing as the other two. He’s just smiling because that sour and bitter vinegar tastes just exactly how vinegar is supposed to taste. He’s smiling because the vinegar is being true to its authentic nature. He’s smiling because life is what it is.

Lincoln’s making up your mind to be happy is similar. Making up your mind to be happy isn’t making happy out of thin air. Making up your mind to be happy is making friends with life and the people and the things in your life…even the parts are like a big old barrel of sour, bitter vinegar. Smile because they are being exactly what it their authentic true nature to be. Then smile because you, just maybe, can be that way too.

Sage Sips blog is Tarot in the time it takes to sip your coffee. Tune in tomorrow for a new Monday thing. See you at the next sip!

You Choose Interactive New Year Tarot 2024

Pathway Tarot readings for the New Year. Happy 2024 everyone!

Tarot doesn’t tell you exactly what is going to happen in life. Tarot helps you figure out what to do when life happens.

What path do you choose for 2024?

So much is up to you – it’s your choice what you do with what you are handed. Emotions bubble up, but you choose what you do about them.

Sorry about the shreddy sounding voice and disorganized presentation (there are reasons why I’m a writer type Tarot reader and not a social media influencer) but watch the video, pick a path. 

This shows some of my choices for 2024.The YouTube channel is all companion videos showing the real world card draw for the day. The video has short commentary in the description, but the full reading is here in the blog. I don’t like talking on video, so there you are. I hope you’ll watch and read to get the best of both worlds.

Looking at all the rows together we see lots of major arcana and court cards. I think that is hinting at a big energy year. Lots of change, a real roller coaster ride. Plant good seeds, set a good foundation now so our roller coaster ride ends up in a good place.

Top Row – Quartz

Clear quartz is the universal amplifier. It turns up the volume on your connection to universal energies and the effects of other stones and crystals. This may be your year to be the helper. Speak your truth and let it be heard.

Fading Energy: 10 of Swords. I’m guessing that 2023 was a heckuva year for you. This card isn’t hinting that anything dire is going to happen. It’s hinting that it already has. HEAL. Let yourself be down, make a full assessment of everything that has happened so you can stand up again. I always connect this card to the proverb “fall down seven times but get up eight.”

Current Energy: Queen of Swords. This is a card of accepting your power. Give yourself a little dose of confidence. It isn’t arrogant to do the things you are good at doing. If you don’t want to think of yourself as being good at something, then do the things you LOVE to do. Often they are the same thing.

Growing Energy: Strength. This card is just what it seems. Heal from what has happened, get up again, claim your strengths. Confidence and strength can grow as time goes on.

Middle Row – Orange Calcite

Calcite comes in a variety of colors, but the orange calcite here is especially associated with the second chakra, below the navel. Orange is the opposite of blue on the color wheel, so orange calcite can poetically speaking “chase away the blues.” Of all of orange calcite’s properties cleansing and uplifting step forward here.

Fading energy: Judgement. This also gives me the feeling that you center row folks had a heckuva year, but more on the mental and emotional level than in the physical / career realm. Let go of other people’s judgement of you and give yourself a second chance whether anyone else does or not. Humans are a diverse lot. There is someone, somewhere who accepts you just exactly as you are, no judgments or second chances required.

Current energy: Hermit. Nothing is better for letting go of old hurts than a little alone time. Give yourself the space to shut out all the judge-y voices. Set some boundaries, find your one guiding light. When you come out of your hermit cave, a fresh start will be right there waiting for you. Any day can be the first day of a new year.

Growing energy: Queen of Wands. This is a card of self care too, but it has an element of claiming your own time, skills, strengths and powers. The energy feel of this card is very much like the queen of swords and it feels like the queen of wands is standing in as surrogate simply because the queen of swords can’t be in two places at the same time. Putting it in those words, I get a sense that the year may be growing in activity. It could get busy. Whether that heaping plate of things to do is a good thing or a stressful thing is up to you.

Foundation Row – Red Carnelian

Red carnelian is a stone of courage, endurance and leadership. You never know what you have inside until it is put to the test. One way to discover your comfort zone is to step outside of it. But don’t worry, if you can’t step back in to the old zone, it will grow out to meet you. You got this.

Fading energy: The High Priestess. This is a card of mystique and mystery. When mystery fades it often leaves certainty in its wake. This card reminds me of a quote by scientist Richard Feynman “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned.” Know with confidence, but question everything with equal energy.

Current energy: Five of Swords. Sword cards often denote action. Now that I think about it, the word aftermath is stepping forward here. The past three years have been pretty unhinged on the macro scale, if not on your individual one too. This card is validating what you feel, but also challenging you to rise to the circumstances. “Yeah, that sucked, but now what are you going to DO about it?” is the vibe.

Growing energy: The Empress. Get back to nature, baby. This is a big reminder to touch some grass this year, literally and figuratively. Somewhere I read about a study where people’s blood pressure came down a little bit whenever they looked at pictures of nature. That isn’t to say pictures of nature cure high blood pressure, but that objective, measurable change showed that we associate nature with relaxation and even that tiny bit of contact was enough to elicit a tiny bit of measurable, physiologic stress reduction.

Whether it is a new computer wallpaper, a walk in the park, a day at the beach or a week long camping trip…anything you can do to connect with nature is nothing but good this year. For goodness’ sake get outside and breathe some fresh air, will you?

And everybody wash your hands, wear a mask when you need to, get enough sleep and eat an occasional vegetable while you are at it.

I wish everyone a safe, happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

See you at the next sip!

Sage Sips is Tarot contemplation in the time it takes to sip your coffee.