Sage’s Bio

Hi! I’m Sage.

I’m also a Tarot reader and author of Sage Sips blog.

I’ve been reading Tarot and oracle cards since around 1992 which adds up to 30 years of experience with Tarot and intuition development (!)

I didn’t originally start out to be a Tarot reader (who does?) At first, I did readings for myself and friends (why PAY for it when you can DIY it?) After close friend suggested I go online with my readings (eternal gratitude!) I offered psychic Tarot readings through Keen, Advice Trader and AllExperts under my old internet handle, Baihu. After doing hundreds of online readings (I stopped counting after 400) I opened my own Tarot practice in 2003 which grew to include, the Tarotbytes blog and the now-defunct Quirk & Flotsam shop on Etsy.

It was all good, but had become a hodge-podge of names over the years. Then along came the Covid pandemic and changed things even more. After a short interim as TaoCraft Tarot (2018-2023) I’ve been using and writing Sage Sips blog ever since.

Sage is a pen name, which helps to protect our privacy. Religious bigotry is a very real thing here in America. I will do all I can to make this a safe space for everyone, especially for the lgbtquia+ community and non-christians

In aromatherapy, sage essential oil can clear negative energy, calm anxiety and promote a feeling of general well being. Magically and metaphysically a healthy sage plant is thought to attract prosperity.

The herb sage has a comforting, familiar scent and flavor that most of us know from home cooking and holiday turkeys. Sage has been used medicinally throughout history. Modern science has interest in for its anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, anti-oxidant properties. Clary sage is revered for its ability to ease the transition into a woman’s older (and perhaps wiser) years.

The word sage also means something or someone who is wise. A Sage is a Taoist adept and a wise person in many cultures. The word sage describes the wise advice that Tarot gives.

Safety, comfort, calmness, wisdom and a feeling that things are going to be alright are all qualities I hope you’ll experience when you read the blog, visit my social media or best of all get a private reading of your own.

Click HERE if you would like to order a private Tarot reading by email, no appointment needed.

Click HERE to subscribe to Sage Sips membership on Ko-fi to get discounted email readings, free one card readings, and exclusive content on the ko-fi blog.

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Thank you so much for reading! See you at the next sip!