YouChoose Tarot Reading for the week of May 24-30

Top: Ace of Cups. The tide of creative energy has turned. If inspiration comes to make a choice or to create, well, anything, sieze the opportunity. Take a chance on making something new and wonderful. Energies support creativity, art and making of all kinds.

Center: Four of Wands. The energy here reminds me of Bill & Fleur’s wedding in the Deathly Hallows, book 6 of the Harry Potter series. If you let circumstances rob you of your inner happiness, if you let the dark forces (that very much exist here in the real world too) steal your humanity, then they have already won. What we celebrate is far more important than the details of how we celebrate it

Bottom: Ten of Swords. Times have knocked us flat, but stay down there a minute. Wounds disturbed too soon start to bleed again. Take a good long minute to gather your thoughts and understand what is happening before you jump up out of some over-inflated sense of bravado. Strategy more than brute force will help you stand again.